023 Enjoy Pitching: Using Your Mindset

June 02, 2021 00:23:19
023 Enjoy Pitching: Using Your Mindset
All About Self Employment
023 Enjoy Pitching: Using Your Mindset

Jun 02 2021 | 00:23:19


Show Notes

This the first episode of a trilogy on enjoying pitching, and today we are focussing on using your mindset so that you can enjoy pitching.  We’re talking to Crocodile Wrestler Martin Barnes about how your way of thinking can be converted from hating pitching to enjoying it.  We cover everything from boosting your confidence, to the importance of rituals, dealing with nerves, and giving yourself the best chance of success.

Key takeaways include:

Martin is on a mission to help everyone to enjoy pitching, so join us for a fun session with loads more brilliant insights that will give you confidence next time you pitch.


Jimmy Cannon YouTube:

About Martin Barnes

Martin is a crocodile wrestler and pitch coach who provides coaching and consulting to help businesses and start ups.  He has worked with an impressive list of clients, has written CEO conference talks, created investor decks, developed brand stories and much more.  From his 20 years of experience in design, film and advertising pitching to clients, Martin believes that every time you increase your value as a professional it is because you are pitching.  His business is about helping you to enjoy pitching and be successful in the spotlight.

Contact Martin:     


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