021 Surviving the Pandemic & Coming Back Stronger

April 28, 2021 00:26:37
021 Surviving the Pandemic & Coming Back Stronger
All About Self Employment
021 Surviving the Pandemic & Coming Back Stronger

Apr 28 2021 | 00:26:37


Show Notes

Today we’re talking to technology entrepreneur David Barker about his experience of the pandemic as a contractor, how the loss of funding meant the closure the business he was contracted to, and also how he created new opportunities for himself.  It’s very interesting to hear about the different options facing David, and what led him to take certain decisions which have subsequently borne fruit later.  Here are just a few of insights from our conversation:

It’s a wide ranging conversation which includes the power of your professional networks, the importance of doing the right thing, and the benefit of supporting others.

About David Barker

David always wanted to work in technology and as his school careers advisor said he wouldn’t make it, David was determined to prove him wrong.  He did this spectacularly by being an early adopter of the internet, and co-founding one of the UK’s first ever digital marketing agencies in 1994 – way ahead of the rest of the world!  David has an impressive track record in business and entrepreneurship, and much of what he does is driven by a wider social purpose to dispel inequalities.  You can contact him here:



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